The City of Karratha is seeking public feedback on a proposed business plan for a new housing development. This initiative aims to address the critical housing shortage in our community by providing a mix of affordable, government, and private housing options.


At its March 2024 Ordinary Meeting, the Council resolved to conduct an Expression of Interest (EOI) for Housing Development. The key goals of this EOI included:

  • Providing details on undeveloped, development-ready lands within the Karratha town centre.
  • Supporting the development of affordable housing, government housing, and private rentals/sales.
  • Aggregating demand to support scale economies and improve investment yields.
  • Inviting proposals for additional housing development on city-owned lands.
  • Considering incentives to boost the feasibility of housing projects, such as discounted lands, rates incentives, long-term leases, and infrastructure support.

Current Status

Following a thorough evaluation process, five proposals have been shortlisted for further consideration. The Council has prepared a draft Business Plan for the proposal from Acero Construction to develop Lot 481 Bajamalu Drive, Baynton. This project includes the construction of 17 townhouses and 20 apartments, to be owned and managed by the City.

Proposal Details

  • Location: Lot 481 Bajamalu Drive, Baynton
  • Land Size: 8,404 sqm
  • Development Cost: $21.3 million (ex GST)
  • Dwelling Yield: 37 dwellings (17 townhouses, 20 apartments)
  • Usage: Staff housing, key worker housing, affordable housing, private market rentals

Next Steps

The City has released a business plan for the purpose of public consultation and will consider public submissions on the Business Plan in April 2025.

As the proponent has already secured an approved Development Application there would be no further design development steps required. Once public submissions are considered, if Council resolves to proceed with the development, then contract execution could take place shortly thereafter with construction able to commence early in the 2025/26 financial year.

How to Provide Feedback

We invite residents and stakeholders to review the draft Business Plan and provide their feedback. The Business Plan is available for public inspection at the City’s offices and for viewing by accessing the document on the right hand side of this page named 'Housing Development EOI Business Plan'.

Submissions can be made using the form below until 5pm, 16 April 2025, and all feedback will be considered by the Council before making a final decision.

Why Your Feedback Matters

Your input is crucial in ensuring that the proposed development meets the needs of our community. By participating in this consultation process, you help shape the future of housing in Karratha.